
We protect the most important thing we have as a company: Our employees.

Health and safety policy.

Policy Statement

It is the Policy of Glasbau Hahn that its operations are conducted in such a way as to ensure, so far as it is reasonably practicable, the health, safety and welfare of its employees, clients, contractors and others who may be affected by the company’s activities (affected group).

The Board of Trustees of Glasbau Hahn accept the prime responsibility for the health, safety and welfare of the affected group.

The Trustees have a direct concern for the health, safety and welfare of their employees and accord health and safety matters equal priority to all other management and company functions.

It is a requirement of the Board of Trustees that the CEO, Heads of Departments, Managers and Supervisors accord a similar priority to health and safety matters and that all Glasbau Hahn employees, clients and contractors ensure that the intent of this policy is observed.

Trustees delegate the duties for Health and Safety to the CEO.

Glasbau Hahn undertakes to comply with the requirements of all relevant European and German statutory provisions and guidance to meet these obligations.


This policy aims to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, that the affected group does not suffer accident, injury or illness whilst on our premises and wherever Glasbau Hahn employees are engaged for work purposes.


This means that:

  • No activity is so important or urgent that it will be carried out other than with full regard to all issues of health and safety.

  • Glasbau Hahn regards meeting European and German Health and Safety legislation as a minimum standard and is committed to improving health and safety standards.

  • The necessary resources must be made available to meet the requirements of this policy.

  • All employees and volunteers employed by Glasbau Hahn and contractors appointed by Glasbau Hahn, are required to pay maximum attention to the health and safety aspects of their work and exercise all care so as to eliminate or suitably control hazards to themselves and others.

  • Glasbau Hahn will adopt a planned approach to managing health and safety.

  • Glasbau Hahn has appointed a Health & Safety Officer.

  • Specific arrangements and roles and responsibilities for health and safety within Glasbau Hahn are set out in the Health and Safety Protocols and Procedures documents.


This policy document will be reviewed when required as the result of significant change or on a regular basis and in any case within two years.

Hamadi El-Ayari
CEO of Glasbau Hahn

Date: 30 November 2023