Glasbau Hahn offers you the experience of 200 years of glass construction and 100 years of solutions for the presentation, protection and conservation of the world’s physical cultural heritage in museums, archives, libraries and private collections.
We can advise you on preventive conservation, security, lighting and presentation and help you choose the right high quality, functional, aesthetically pleasing, sustainable and durable solutions for your institution. You can choose from display case models, bespoke products or the refurbishment of our durable museum display cases.
A 2650-year-old Assyrian glass recipe, now preserved in the British Museum. This incredible tradition gives an idea of how fascinating glass must be.
Around 90 years after the Hahn glazier was founded, a German rhyme „And the glazier lives from the wind. Come glazier, come quickly, through the window blows the wind“, was written in 1915, a theme that is still part of our glazier’s core business today. And as early as 1709, a monk wrote: „To let the light into the house, use the pure panes.“ Today, glass technology offers us extra-clear, non-reflective, fire-resistant, insulating and safety glass that allows for ever more sophisticated uses of glass.
Glasbau Hahn is proud to have made two notable contributions to this 2650-year history of glass with the invention of glass cement before 1930 and suspended glazing in the 1950s. Glasbau Hahn owned in his history over 130 patents.
The museum display case is an exhibit’s last line of defence against accidents, vandalism, unauthorised access, attempted theft, catastrophic and terrorist attacks and conservation threats.
The planning of the ‚line of defence‘ depends on the risk assessment and resulting classification of the object or collection items.
Collections and individual objects are assessed according to their socio-cultural and political significance, fragility, monetary value and rarity, which determines the desired level of security.
We can help you protect valuable collections at all levels. Over 4000 collections worldwide are protected by Glasbau Hahn.
The security of collections in museum showcases is characterised by various aspects.
Glasbau Hahn has been a trusted specialist in museum display case security for almost 100 years.
Glasbau Hahn is a recognised specialist in the preventive conservation of museum collections with its range of in-house passive and active climate control solutions and air handling units.
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Glasbau Hahn follows the system engineering method to assure our clients a holistic development of our Museum display cases, a way of minimizing risks related to safety but not only.
Gwinnerstraße 40-46
60388 Frankfurt am Main
Tel. +49 (0) 69 94417-0
Fax +49 (0) 69 94417-68
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